Autum 2021 New Product Alert

New Agri Innivations | Farm Compare

We are so excited to share with you some of the latest innovations in Agriculture plus some new exciting leading products.
All available on Farm Compare

Terra NutriTECH Get Pre-Calver for your herd and an OrbVie dispenser to dose accurately in to a water trough. When cows get the right minerals little and often through the water system, it ensures; less calving issues, less milk fever, healthier calves and reduces your workload. Simply fill the unit, connect to your phone, set animal number and dosage rate and walk away. Your animals are getting what they need when they need it.. Introductory offer now available!

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Ktwo design and manufacture high-quality muck spreaders. Both vertical and horizontal beaters are all designed to give maximum output with consistent and accurate spreading. 

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The JM Agri bale handler is very popular with Farm Compare users and the latest innovation from JM Agri is their ADR adapter. Designed to allow any loading shovel or telehandler to pick up all euro 8 attachments which are common to most tractor loaders. 

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Dairymaster AutoDrafting is a cow sorting system that is unrivalled in terms of performance and build quality. It is available in a choice of 2-way and 3-way drafting which may be combined when more segregation options are required.

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Get first 2 months of subscription FREE....The Ag-drive app is an all-in-one app for agricultural contractors and farmers. Full Traceability and accountability throughout from allocating jobs, time sheets, field mapping to invoicing + much more.

Farm Compare users can get the first 2 months of subscription FREE when you enter the coupon code ‘FARMCOMPARE’. That is in addition to the initial 14-day free trial.

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The Ktwo & Warwick range includes tipping, compacting, dumping and flatbed trailers all designed to give maximum efficiency and capacity.

Their Roadeo Compact and Push Trailer is the UK leading compactor trailer offering maximum efficiency with up to 40% extra capacity through compaction.

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